Monday, April 16, 2012

bake it! traditional Slovak potato pastry - pagáče

Slovak potato pastry I'm writing about is also called 'prekladané zemiakové pagáče', or simply, 'zemiakové pagáče'.

my first attempt to make the potato 'pagace'
To make about 2 trays (~40 pieces) of this aDIYorable traditional snack baked in Slovak households, you'll need:

450 g white flour
3 large potatoes - cooked, then grated
1 dl sunflower oil
1,5 dl milk
small cube (equiv 7 g) of yeast dissolved in lukewarm milk
1 dl water
100 g butter
1 egg
3 tbs of salt
some seeds to decorate the pagáče

This was the first time I made the Slovak traditional pastry potato "pagáče"- their fancier and more traditional version excludes potatoes but it includes pork rind (cracklings) which I wanted to avoid.

how to bake my version of potato 'pagáče'?
Make sure you bake them on a day when you are in a good mood.
You'll need about 1,5-2 hours to make 2 large trays.
Listen to some nice music. Ask your sweetheart & children to be patient...
Gather the ingredients.
Cook the potatoes.
And get started:
make the dough: mix flour, water, oil, lukewarm milk, yeast; mix until it has airy consistency (about 10 minutes).
It will stick and you will start to sweat, but don't give up! The stickiness will eventually go and the dough will look beautiful! Form a large dough ball, put it in a bowl and cover to let the dough raise in a warm environment (room temperature or more) for about 10-15 minutes.

After 15 minutes, roll the dough out on a board, flattening the dough to be about 1 cm thick. Over the dough, spread grated potatoes mixed with butter; fold once or twice and back to the bowl. Cover, let relax (and raise) for 15 minutes.

Take the dough out, roll it out on the board, refold again, and back to the bowl. Cover. Relax for 15 minutes. You and the dough.

Repeat once again, i.e. roll out, refold, cover, relax.

This was the final sprint: this time, after 15 minutes, when you roll out the dough to the desired final thickness (about 1-1,5 cm), you can start cutting the traditional round shapes! I used a small espresso mug to cut out the desired size circles; placed them on a baking paper, slighlty brushed them with beaten egg; decorated with poppy, sesame and sunflower seeds and placed the tray into a preheated oven (180 C). Baking time for my oven was 20 minutes but yours might differ: just watch them raise slightly, and become crispy gold.

serving suggestions
cut in half and fill in whatever you have at hoome... cottage cheese, or a slice of ham... use your fantasy! serve with a glass of chilled white wine and enjoy!

Dobru chut!

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